Friday, February 01, 2008

It's finally Friday!

It's finally the weekend, which is super exciting to me even though I have no plans. The week started out with jury duty on Monday and Tuesday followed by physical therapy Thursday (i'll get to that later) and a extremely long Friday. Being out of the office on Monday and Tuesday also made for an incredibly busy Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I did manage to eat lunch on Wednesday, but that was the only day. Granted, I can definitely afford to skip a meal (or 20), but I like to at least eat a quick lunch at my desk while i'm working!

Can't remember if i've blogged about this yet or not, but I hurt my back last week (not sure how) and after 2 doctors appointments to try to figure out what was going on, my dr. said I needed to go to physical therapy. I really can't complain though. 3/4 of each session is basically a mid morning massage/nap, which I can deal with! A massage would actually be MUCH cheaper than physical therapy, but ya gotta do what you gotta do. As of right now i'm only supposed to go 4 or 5 times and then I will visit my dr. again to see where we stand. Hopefully that will be it b/c I definitely cannot afford to make physical therapy part of my weekly routine!

Emma has become quite mobile in the last week or so! She and Gizmo had a showdown tonight, which I was quite excited to catch on the camcorder. Basically, she chases him as he backs away looking scared of her, and whenever possible (or whenever she's in a vulnerable position) he gets in a nice big kiss on her face. She thinks a quick kiss from him is quite funny, but she seems to be fairly grossed out when he gets the chance to give her a long slobbery kiss (something she and I have in common). She definitely has lots of Chad's laid back personality, but i'm seeing bits of me in there lately as she becomes more and more defiant! The jury is still out on whether she just doesn't understand "NO" yet or if she just doesn't care! We've tried popping her hand after we've told her no to the same thing multiple times with no response from her, but even that doesn't seem to phase the child! If she gets one that stings a little she just holds her hand up and stares at it, as if to say "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" That makes both Chad and I a little bit nervous about what the future may hold! She had her 9 month pictures taken last weekend and they turned out really good! We finally got her pictures taken in her long white christening gown that my mom bought her several months ago. In March she will have her Easter pictures taken with a live rabbit (very curious to see how that works out...) and in April she will have her 1 year pictures taken......SIGH. Enough talk about what a big girl she is becoming.

Update on the new deck: Chad has finished the complete top of the deck, which is now huge :-) and now all he has left to do is create the steps down on all 3 sides. This has the potential to take a while, though, since our backyard is fairly sloped (you can't tell by looking at it, but the measurements say it all) so he has to dig out the ground around half of the deck. I'm crossing my fingers that it will be done before he leaves for Arizona!

Well, time for bed. Emma has been asleep for 3.5 hours. Now it's my turn!